

Jag och Jandy Nelson – kärlek vid första ögonkastet. I den här intervjun berättar hon lite om skrivprocessen när hon skrev Jag ger dig solenBland annat om hur det var att skriva om Noah och Jude och försöka hålla isär rösterna och perspektiven:

That said, I realized early on the best way to keep the voices/worlds/perspectives of each twin from blending and to make sure each narrative had propulsion was to write each twin’s story separately. So I wrote Noah’s narrative start to finish (locking Jude’s file while I was working on Noah’s story) and then wrote Jude’s narrative start to finish (keeping Noah’s file locked). This took about two and a half years. Then I started weaving the narratives together and praying (like hell!) it would work and working on streamlining the story as a whole (I think I cut 50,000 words at that point). The whole process took about three and a half years, but it really was like writing three novels in one.

Vilket arbete! Men så bra det blev också!
